These are simply advancement in the dentistry world of today. Dental crowns were used to alter the color and shape of teeth. Dental crowns could simply be used to manipulate to manipulate the shape of the tooth, reshape or to enlarge its size. The main demerit of the crown is that the natural architecture of the tooth is lost in order to create room for the dental crown.
What is the benefit of dental veneers over dental crowns?
Preventing the loss of natural tooth structure- dental veneers work is similar to crowns the only difference is that veneers work without much interference to the structure of the tooth.
Veneers, what are they?
These are small custom made shells that resemble the tooth and that cover the upper area of the tooth. They are usually made from resin composite materials or porcelain. They have a striking resemblance to the real tooth even reflecting light as much as the enamel of the real tooth. These resin veneers are considerably thin making them ideal to be placed on the surface of the tooth without interfering with the structure of the tooth. Your dentist should run several tests and prescribe the best veneer for you.
Advantages of veneers
Since they are made of porcelain, they have optimum advantages as compare to dental crowns and composite bonding. Most physicians in this field recommend dental veneers since they are a conservative treatment. Veneers still offer similar abilities to manipulate color and shape of the tooth just like dental crowns. Nevertheless, dental veneers are stain resistant. They look completely natural when color matched with adjacent teeth.
What dental problems do veneers solve?
These cosmetic problems include:
- Space separating teeth: the width of teeth can be increased to reduce the space between them.
- Shaping: teeth can be shortened or lengthened to make a smile better.
- Staining: there are several reasons why staining occurs one of them being the cause of tetracycline and some other medication. This type of staining is stubborn and hard to get rid of unless veneers come into play and cover the stains.
- Damage: teeth can be damaged by either being broken or chipped.
- Crooked: teeth that are crooked can be easily corrected with the help of dental veneers.
Can anyone get dental veneers?
It is very important for you to consider any long-term repercussion of any dental procedure. Take an example, once you get dental veneers it is not reversible although they can last a very long time. However, just like dental crowns, there comes a time when restoration or replacement is required. There are several reasons that can rule you out as a good candidate for dental veneers. This could include: poor health of your teeth.